Attention - If you have been previously trained on the DMT, you must ACTIVATE your account. If you have never been to a DMT class, you must REGISTER your account.
Self-service registration is available online via our IC Training Portal.
Alternatively, you may contact us during business hours to sign up over phone.
Training Coordinators
If you are a training coordinator, who will be registering multiple people for class, please contact Implied Consent at 205-620-0399.
Training Coordinator Items to Note:
1. If trying to determine what class officer needs, check operator status here. Note to stay active officers should attend a recertification class yearly. If they miss a year, you have a one-year grace period to attend recertification class before having to attend a New Operator course.
2. If they have not activated their account, they will not receive an email that they are registered for the course. They can see the course they are registered for on their dashboard once they have ACTIVATED their account.
3. If they have NEVER attended a DMT course, either the training coordinator or officer will need to create (register) an account before adding them to a new operator course.