Alabama DMT Rollout - Complete!

The Implied Consent Discipline removed the last of the Draeger 7110 MKIII C evidential breath testing (EBT) instruments from service on December 5, 2023, concluding its 24 years of service. The evidential breath testing program has made use of 4 EBTs throughout its existence. The first was the PEI Intoximeter. The second was the Intoxilyzer 5000 which was the most widely used EBT in the country. After approximately 12-15 years of the service, the Intoxilyzer 5000 was replaced by the Draeger Alcotest 7110 MKIII C. The first Draeger was placed in service in 1999 and the whole state was using the Draeger by the end of 2000. The Draeger ushered in a new standard in evidential breath testing for the state. With its dual detectors and improved technology, the Draeger allowed ADFS to bring evidential breath testing to the level of a forensic toxicology program. Since the creation of the new evidential breath testing program utilizing the features available on the Draeger, ADFS has been the national leader in forensic breath alcohol analysis.

The removal of the last Draeger from service marked the completion of the transition to the Intoximeters DMT Dual Sensor (the 4th EBT). Implied Consent will now evaluate locations for new installations basedon the criteria developed by the Alabama Chemical Testing Training and Equipment Trust Fund Advisory Board and add locations to bring the total up to approximately 165 locations.
I would like to thank all of the Implied Consent Scientists for their hard work and dedication in accomplishing this task and congratulate them on a job well done!
Gregory L. Turner, Ph.D.
Implied Consent Technical Director
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